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Danish Road Directorate
The Danish Road Directorate is part of the Danish Transport Ministry. The directorate is responsible for a portfolio of around 4.000 km of state-owned roads that carry around 45 % of the entire road traffic in the country.
The directorate promotes an integrated road and transport system. With special consideration to the environment, working towards a safe, secure and easy journey on the roads for people as well as for goods.
The directorate administrates two funds aimed at improving the conditions for bicycle traffic in Denmark. One fund is the Danish Government Bicycling Subsidy Fund that supports a broad range of bicycle-friendly projects in municipalities, organizations, companies and along the road network run by the directorate. The other is the Supercycle Highway Fund, which is aimed at aiding the establishment of supercycle highways in the five largest cities.
Furthermore, the directorate is involved in a wide range of bicycle related tasks at a national level. Among others planning and holding the National Bicycle Conference in cooperation with the Danish Cyclists’ Federation, administrating the national bicycle routes and maintaining statistics including an index for the development of bicycle traffic in the country.
Member of the Cycling Embassy of Denmark since 2014